The third National Conference on Interdisciplinary Education (NIE) will take place on January 22, 2019, at Utrecht University. During this conference, teachers, researchers and students will come together to share experiences, practices, expertise, and ideas related to interdisciplinary higher education.
The theme of the third NIE conference will be integration. Future workers and researchers are increasingly required to deal with complex problems that go beyond the borders of single domains, and they have to work in teams with people sharing different competencies and expertise. To prepare students for these new situations and related competencies, interdisciplinary education often focuses on connective thinking and integration. Integration, in the context of interdisciplinary education, can have multiple meanings. It can mean integrating insights from different disciplines, in order to create a more comprehensive understanding of a complex issue that constitutes of more than just the disciplinary parts. It can mean integrating people, students and staff, town and gown, to account for the diverse population of society and academia. It can mean integrating research into education and education into research, improving science and academia as well as teaching and learning. Aside from these three subjects, many more themes come to mind when thinking of integration with respect to interdisciplinary education, and we invite participants to share these matters at the 2019 NIE Conference.
Call for proposals
You are invited to submit a short proposal in relation to topics such as the ones above. Contributions may be practical or theoretical, or combinations thereof. We also particularly encourage students to submit their integrative interdisciplinary work. Proposals should include the following information:
- Names and affiliation/s of the presenter/s
- Contact info of the first presenter/author
- A short abstract (max 300 words)
- Preferred session format: paper presentation / workshop / poster
Paper presentations will be short (no longer than 10 minutes plus 5 minutes discussion time). Workshops will be 1 hour. All accepted posters will be presented at the poster session.
Proposals can be submitted through the following form:
Deadline for submission: November 1, 2018
Website: Email:
Reviews and decisions
Each proposal will be peer-reviewed by two members of the programme committee. You will be notified by the organisers about the outcome of your submission.
Important dates
- 1st November 2018: Initial submission by author/s
- 15th November 2018: Decisions sent to author/s
- 15th December 2018: Conference registration deadline
- 22th January 2019: Conference
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