
We are proud to present you the programme for the upcoming NIE event that will take place on Monday 4 November at The Railway Museum, Utrecht, Maliebaan Station 16.

13:30-14:00 | Walk-in and Coffee 

Join us for coffee and an informal networking session as we kick off the event by connecting with colleagues from higher education in the Netherlands and Flandres. 

14:00-14:15 | Introduction 

Welcome and an overview of the day’s activities. 

14:15-14:45 | Keynote by Rick Szostak 

Rick Szostak will deliver a thought-provoking keynote on interdisciplinary research, showcasing example projects, steps in the research process, and exploring the possibilities and limitations of such an approach. Rick Szostak is Professor of Economics at the University of Alberta, and former President of the Association for Interdisciplinary Studies. He is the author of a dozen books and numerous articles, and book chapters, all interdisciplinary in nature. Szostak’s research has spanned the fields of economic history, methodology, interdisciplinary theory and practice, and information science. He has created and taught courses about how to do interdisciplinary research. 

14:45-15.00 | Q&A with audience and Rick Szostak 

15:00 -15:45 | Solutions Lab 

In small groups, we’ll tackle interdisciplinary challenges related to education. This collaborative session is a perfect opportunity to engage with NIE colleagues, share insights, and brainstorm innovative solutions. Each group will present their solutions, followed by feedback and open discussion. 

15:45-16:00 | Closing Remarks & Networking 

Summary of the key takeaways from the event, updates from the NIE network and continued networking and collaboration.